Get Jewish Divorce is the only West-Coast based organization that addresses abuse in the Jewish divorce process through education, advocacy, and individual counseling. 


Contact us for more info about getting a get or Jewish Prenup


Agunah Stats

What We Do


We promote the Beth Din of America’s prenuptial/arbitration agreement to deter get refusal through monetary sanctions, together with an alternative agreement that would resolve extreme cases where the husband refuses to cooperate or cannot be found.



We conduct seminars on the legal and halachic underpinnings of Jewish prenuptial and arbitration agreements for couples, educators, attorneys, and rabbis. We also conduct halachic prenup workshops for college students (UCLA).


Agunah Support

We serve as a liaison between the agunah, the beth din, and attorneys. We advise agunot on how to navigate the beth din process. Where appropriate we mobilize rabbinic and communal pressure on Get refusers to give the get.


Tehillim Campaign

We galvanize grassroots public awareness and support by reciting Tehillim (psalms) in schools, shuls, and women’s Tehillim groups for every agunah who provides her Hebrew name to us. (submit name here).



Lawyers As Changemakers: Addressing The Agunah Issue In U.S. Civil Practice from Fordham Law School on Vimeo.

The webinar "Lawyers As Changemakers: Addressing the Agunah Issue in the American Legal System" explored the intersection of Jewish religious laws and the American legal system in cases of gett refusal. Key topics included the First Amendment right to publicly identify gett refusers, arbitration agreements in civil and rabbinic courts, and the differing legal and rabbinic court approaches between the East and West Coasts. 

Esther Macner, “Solutions to the Agunah Problem: Looking Back Twenty-Five Years,” JOFA Journal, vol. 19, no. 1 (Fall 2023): 26-31





"I have been blessed to be introduced to an angelic woman named Esther Macner. She is purely and solely all hearts and dedication She has helped me tremendously during my divorce and has been advocating for my Jewish get . She has done everything in her power and has spent unlimited amount of hours to help me toward this matter . She has never hesitated to call back or follow up. She consistently works for you to achieve your goal. Her goal is not only to release you as a Jewish woman and make you free but mentally she connects with you , uplifts you and goes beyond and above her limits to help you. She has been more than just an advocate for me . I’m forever grateful to her and all she has done for me . We need more people like her in our community."

Click here to view more testimonials





Click HERE to read the full Article!

Revisiting Classical Approaches to Resolving Agunah Cases. Rabbi Abrham Lieberman interviews Rabbi Simcha Krauss (the Av Beit Din of the International Beit Din)