Get Jewish Divorce is the only West-Coast based organization that resolves cases of Agunot, through advocacy in rabbinic courts, civil courts, and individual counseling to agunot and their families. We educate attorneys on how to write stipulations and use secular legal concepts such as coercive control, fraudulent deceit, and torts, to deter get refusal.
Contact us for more info about getting a get or Jewish Prenup
What We Do
PreventionWe provide prospective brides and grooms with Jewish prenuptial agreements to prevent get refusal. We advise attorneys on the formulation of provisions in divorce stipulations that can be enforced to deter get refusal. |
EducationWe conduct seminars for lawyers, judges, and agunah activists on using secular legal categories to describe and deter get refusal without violating the separation of church and state. We also conduct halachic prenup workshops for college students (UCLA). |
Agunah SupportWe serve as a liaison between the agunah, the beth din, and attorneys. We also provide referrals to communal resources for jobs, housing, financial loans, subsidized therapy, and legal representation with an experienced social worker. Where appropriate we mobilize rabbinic and communal pressure on Get refusers to give the get. |
Advocacy for Systemic ChangeWe promote impact litigation to deter get refusal in civil courts by counseling attorneys on the use of secular legal categories to deter get refusal, such as coercive control claims in family court and tort claims in civil court. We also promote rabbinic court procedures that bifurcate the issue of the get from custodial and financial issues. |
Tehillim Campaign
We galvanize grassroots public awareness and support by reciting Tehillim (psalms) in schools, shuls, and women's Tehillim groups for every agunah (or agun) who, after consultation, provides their Hebrew name to us. To submit a name, email us at [email protected] |