



We promote the Beth Din of America’s prenuptial/arbitration agreement to deter get refusal through monetary sanctions, together with an alternative agreement that would resolve extreme cases where the husband refuses to cooperate or cannot be found.


We conduct seminars on the legal and halachic underpinnings of Jewish prenuptial and arbitration agreements for couples, educators, attorneys, and rabbis.




Agunah Support: We serve as a liaison between the agunah, the beth din, and attorneys. We advise agunot on how to navigate the beth din process. Where appropriate we mobilize rabbinic and communal pressure on Get refusers to give the get.


Tehilim Campaign: We galvanize grassroots public awareness and support by reciting Tehillim (psalms) in schools, shuls, and women’s Tehillim groups for every agunah who provides her Hebrew name to us. (submit name here)